lördag 15 november 2014

Poem, Sun and moon

This poem is from Jeff Fosters website:

A sweet poem by my friend Yoko....


If you try to become a 'positive thinker'
you will fail,
because positivity
always contains negativity.

If you try to stay in negativity,
you will not succeed,
because negativity
always contains positivity.

Perhaps you will discover
that positive and negative
are great friends,
always together.

One is not better or worse than the other.
Don't judge or blame them.

You don't have to try to make the sun rise.
You don't have to try to set the sun.
It goes to sleep and wakes up
all by itself.

The moon is always there, too,
even if sometimes we cannot see it.
Yet how beautiful it is!

The circle of universal friendship
is always showing us
how beautiful we are,
just the way we are.

- Yoko Kono

-------- On breaking up, Jeff Foster

In truth, no relationship has ever 'ended', not by death, divorce, or break-up. In reality, no two people have ever 'broken up', ever. That is just a story we tell.

We only ever 'break up' with outdated images of each other, with our own ideas of what we should or could or might have been, with past and future hopes and plans, with our own misperceptions and illusions, with "dreams of a future that was never going to happen anyway".
We break up with a narrative that is no longer serving us, that's all. Relationship, like life, never really ends; it simply evolves, changes form and shape. Love knows no location in space or time, and it cannot end, for it is the force that binds. What we are can never be broken up nor down. The heart does not understand death nor separation. We are One.
- Jeff Foster

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