onsdag 30 december 2015

Unavailable for an intimate connection

First you were available
Now I don't sense that anymore
I wanted to meet you in your fullness
And it feels I received a close door
I wanted to meet your Heart
You let me in
But now I sense you put up the armour

First you walked slowly towards me
And for a short while you ran into my embrace
And now I feel you run away
From intimacy
From your fear of intimacy
and fear of loss
And I understand your heart is not ready
It is okay
I will embrace my disappointments
And be with my sadness and grief
Based on expectations not based in Reality
I want to embrace Life as it is now
Heart-available for meeting me as she
meets me now

I am grateful for what we had
For the wisdom you taught me in
meeting me and not-meeting me
The feelings that were awoke in me
My Heart's tender response 
For the beautiful emotional intimacy we shared
Teaching me to be with myself in uncertainty
And to cherish Love when she shows up in Her beauty

She shows up
She disappears - seemingly
She changes form
Changes season
She is always there
Always Here
She hides below expectations
She is closer than your breath
She is underneath your judgments
She is always waiting
For you to show up
To Life's gentle invitation

/Anders Branderud, 31/12-2015

Poem, Heart Openness

In Heart and in vulnerability 
It is here my Heart flourishes
And is nourished
And joyfully sings her beautiful song

Here in the fertile ground
In the rich and allowing soil
Here I can grow and flower
In divine space and pace
In my Beloveds' gaze
and her warm embraceIn her tender nest
and loving and accepting chest
In the warmth, care and beauty
Of the art in her Heart

An intimate white layer of pure and shining snow
Snow flakes dancing with joy in the air
Softly falling
In evening glory
Celebrating a miracle story
Of Heart's attuned
singing a beautiful duet 

Anders Branderud, 27/12

söndag 27 december 2015

Poem, Gentle strokes of the Heart

It is not about labels
It is about how deep can we meet
How many layers are protecting
our Essence and Heart

Can we meet naked
Soul to Soul
Heart to Heart
In Authenticity and Vulnerability
Heart Essence
touching skin of Heart in tender sensitivity
Without hiding

Eye-gazing into the
infinte Forest of Essence
Landscape of amazing textures and colours

Can you be available
to be with me in Essence
To Grow
and Flow
With the Ebbs and Tides
Ups and Lows
In bright sunshine
In heavy storms, thunder and rain
In Exquisite beauty and deeply felt pain

Heart supporting Heart
Being and Seeing
Souls united
in Intimate soulship
Walking soul beside soul
Sole beside sole
In the mysterious and wonderous
forest Path
In the Magical Land of Essence
And the Ordinary Extraordinary Land of Everyday Life

Grounded on Earth
Hearts united in Heart-Soul-land
In all Simplicity and Magic
Hands holding
Hearts unfolding
Jumping and playing with joy and spontaneity
Exploring, discovering in innocent curiosity

27/12-2015, Anders Branderud

(Photo from some magical place on the internet)

fredag 25 december 2015

Poem, Inner playful child

I am rediscovering
The innocent little child of mine
The spontaneous, happy and playfuly boy
Worriless and full of lightness
Adventerous and warm
Joyfully exploring the world
In lightness and curiousity

Welcome to play with me
I embrace your light and your delight

Anders Branderud, 25/12-2015

Poem, Healing and Loving bird

There is a bird in my Heart

She sings magical songs
So tender, so beautiful and warm
With beauty, magic and love
Tenderness and vulnerable power

She sings Love Songs
In unison with the birds
In the trees
And the soft gentle breeze

There is a tender bird in my Heart
She sings Healing Songs
Of Tenderness and Caressing Love
Her words is Offering Healing
To the wounds of weary and courageous souls

Her melody is gently caressing and
tendering the weary journeyer
On her courageous Heart path

The beautiful bird in me sees the beautiful bird in you

One more poem

This longing to be light and free
Singing songs of freedom in Harmony
Sharing and spreading Love
To every living Being
Through tender words and Presence
Receiving and deeply Seeing

Poem: Oh beautiful bird

Oh beautiful bird
Who day and night sings your Love
To God and to all Living Beings
Your celebrate Creation
You are a miracle
Singing of all wonders and miracles

You sing without worries
And you share your glorious joy
Thanks dear bird for sharing
Your Wonders and joy

Anders Branderud, 25/12-2015

torsdag 24 december 2015

Poem, The Beauty within your Heart

May you discover the beauty within
And may the answers and the questions
dance a Heart dance
and shine forth with clarity

May your inner child play with joy
And find her nourishment in the
curiousity of the simplicity and
worrilessness of a moment fresh
from burdens and worries of the past

May you find inner delight in your inner light
May you find yourself
Your true expression
Discover your roots, and ground;
and fresh and pure soil to thrive and to grow

And to feel at ease
and embrace Life's flow
And when you are feeling low
To Heartfully know
And to see and feel your
Unchanging Divine Beauty within
Your pure and sacred Soul and Heart
Is there like a Radiant Pearl
Waiting for you to dive
Deep within the Ocean of your Sacred Soul
To explore the Infinte Depths of Your Inner Treasure

The beauty
The Pure Crystalline Diamond Beauty
Is there under labels and self-judgments
She is always there
And she is shining her bright light
Everything is perfectly okay
She is shining forth bright and radiant
And she will be recognized and seen
The more you dare to fully let go
And trust your Essence within will unfold
In her infinite and always unfolding Beauty

Everything is okay
And she is patiently waiting
Like a loving, non-judgmental and embracing Mother
Who is Loving and Receiving without Taking
She gives abundantly without demands
Respectfully with respect of your borders
And she is patiently waiting
Attuning to your space and pace
With her Unconditional Love
For your Heart to unfold in
Her divine timing, pace and space

Poem Anders Branderud,24/12-2015
(Photos below from Unknown).

onsdag 23 december 2015

Poem, Healing Heart words to a friend

Dear beautiful, tired soul
With a Tender, soft Heart of shining gold
May you rest and behold
Watch Your beauty unfold

The birds are singing
Healing songs to you
And the wind is whispering
Songs of Love in your ear
May you find inner peace and stillness
And rest in your breath and your heart

Dear courageous and beautiful warrior
Peace warrior
May you just live
In simplicity and be
Be happy and free

May you find deep rest
In your gentle chest
And joyful loving art
In your tender heart

May you immerse Yourself
And delight
In glorious light
On your courageous
Heart path

Let your Heart soar
With a Glorious roar
On Eagle wings

Of Beauty and Love

(Photo unknown; from a beautiful soul on the internet)
Poem Anders Branderud, 23/12-2015

tisdag 22 december 2015

Poem, Inherent Beauty and Value

There is an inherent value and worth in me and in you
Regardless of what the inner critic says
or people we meet recognize.

And I want to meet this Inner Beauty
Glowing like the Radiant Sun
Shining like the brightest star
Rhythmically Pulsating Her Love and Light
Sharing her Wide and soft
Tender embrace
Lighter than the burning lightening
Like the Dazzling Wondrous Sun
Spreading her rays to every living being
Reflecting Her light in every snowflake
Mysteriously Warming the Depths of every longing soul
Deeper than the deepest ocean
And with a Fullness fuller than words can recount.
And only Wide Open Heart can sense

Soul-Core connecting with the soul of the Sun
Deeply unfolding her Intimate Heart secrets
Opening up to a vulnerable and transparent Pace and space

Your Inherent Value and Worth
Is Bright and shining like the
Strong Sun in Zenith
Your Beauty knows no Limit
And the mirror can only show a fragment of your
Wholesome and Luminous Beauty

Your Light is Shining Bright
If you only could relax into your Heart and Being
Your True Beautiful Essence would unfold in Her Glory And Brightness

Your Inherent Beauty and Value
Shines Brighter than the Sun
It is a Hidden Treasure on the Inside
Just waiting to be discovered and valued

The Heavens is full of galaxies, stars, miracles and wonders
And all this Magnificence is just a Reflection
Of the dazzling, glorious Beauty of
Your Heart and Being

So dearest Beloved,
Seek not approval in vanity
And your recognition, worth and value in objects or others approval
Go deep within
Dig deep inside
And find the Inherent Beauty of your Divine Glorious Diamond Essence

She awaits there patiently for you
Like a Lover with a Burning Heart Longing for her Beloved
Longing to Unite and Be One
In Sacred Undivided Heart-Soul-Intimacy

Anders Branderud, 21/12-2015

söndag 20 december 2015

A Heart adventure of the courageous soul

Magical light under
Starbright delight
On an adventure
A Heart adventure

Departing from the safe lands of conformance
Lying outside gazing at the stars
Tindering and guiding our long and sometimes arduous journey
No ropes and obligations pushing us back
Other than the familiar sense of our conformance-abode

Here in the midst of the deepest depth of forest mystery
Home of magical fairies, elves, pighugs
Princes, dwarfs, lions and other magical beings
Lies the land of the adventurous souls who have acted upon their courage
Here dwells the courageous soul
Who have listened to her hearts and dreams
And started the Heart’s journey
The Heart-quest, the Heart-adventure

Here journeys brave souls who are tired to conform to someone else’s truth
Who are willing to take the risk and cost of journey with an authentic heart and being
They are walking in different paces
Treading with different weights in their emotional luggage
And wounds from their quest

The mystical being lays under the bright star filled sky
Sensing her tender and gentle heart
Wide open to the magic of Life
And lies deeply at rest with an awareness of the surroundings and her perils

The peril of losing herself and her purpose
Of letting the frustration, loss, pain and sorrow
To extinguish her inner fire
Of losing touch with her Inner Guide
Inner Light, Inner Guidance.
The Guiding Star
Shining Her bright and gentle Light inside
Giving Joy and Light, Meaning and Value to Life
Openness and Dynamism of a Wide Open Vibrant Heart

måndag 14 december 2015

Courageous and beautiful woman of valor

A poem I wrote to a dear friend. Read it and let the words speak to your beautiful soul:
Courageous and beautiful woman of valor
Who struggles and persists
I see your deep commitment to your purpose
To live life fully and authentically
You being a gardener tenderly sowing seeds and watering the ground
And transforming her into the Garden of Eden
A wise gardener removing critical and limiting weeds with childhood roots not serving you anymore
I see a hero riding into the land of the unknown
Riding up and down the hills lightly, smoothly
And effortlessly like the wind
Tenderly caressing and speaking the beautiful language of your horse friend
Under the rainbow and the stars
The rainbow and the stars resembles the wildness
Vitality, aliveness and colorfulness of your being
And I sense and feel the wounds you got on your heart journey
And Your courage to open up, and to be vulnerable
To share and receive words and touch of healing
And the angels watch over your beautiful soul
And protect you on your path
Angel wings are covering you
I see your courage to listen to yourself and to follow your heart’s pace
And to give her a safe space to grow and flow
I see your divinity and your ragged human stumbling
And the beautiful soul you are
In all your expressions
I see a mystical poet whose heart pours out words of exquisite beauty and depth
And I send you this blessing on your brave journey
May safe tears water your tender heart
May the seeds of healing blossom in the fertile soil-soul
Of your vulnerable, tender and open heart.
May your soft, and fragrant sensitivity give her nourishment to grow
May angel souls, kindred spirits, pixies, mystical beings, elves and heart friends be with you
Protect you and give you oxygen, shade and sunlight to grow and flow
So you may bloom and flower into a majestic grounded tree of healing
Available and providing healing and love, tenderness and wisdom
To all living beings under the sun

fredag 4 december 2015

Healing of seeing your own beauty

Healing of seeing your own beauty
See the beauty in yourself.
The uniqueness
Unique colours and textures
Drawing a masterpiece on the white canvas
Inner beauty
Expressing herself

As Heart unfolds in Her beauty
As she is gently unwrapped
Layer after layer
With tender and caring hands
Finger tips touching with tenderness

/Anders Branderud, december 2015