tisdag 27 oktober 2015

Poem - Connected to my Heart

A Love poem to my Beloved, my Heart:

All this fear in life of losing one who is dear.
Going up in my head
Anxiety and stress
And without being aware
Stuck in my head filled of mental fear
I lost Connection to the One Dearest to me.
My Heart

And by fearing I also lost connection to one who is dear
I lost the Heart Connection

When I am connected with my Heart
I am connected with Home
In My Heart there is no Distance
There is Always Connection
There is Always Pure Embracing Love
There is no loss and there is no fear

I feel Safety
When I am connected to Myself
To my Heart
To my Being
When my Heart is embracing Herself
Heart embraces my chest
I can be at deep rest
Heart embraces all of my body
Heart embraces me with Unconditional Love

This Heart-felt longing to connect
Feeling the intensive Longing and Heat of the Heart
Is Connecting with My Dearest
A Connection with my Heart

I am safe
When I am who I am
When I stay close to my Beloved Heart
A Real Heart Connection
Being the Real me
Connected with Pure Love
Immersed in Warmth, Love and Completeness

/Anders Branderud, 27/10-2015 ( http://stillnesspoems.blogspot.se/ )

Poem, photo, Anders Branderud, 27 October 2010

måndag 26 oktober 2015

Poem - I am a flower on your meadow

I am a tool in your Hand
I am a flower on your meadow.
It is your sunlight that makes me grow
Without You I am nothing
You give me the courage to open up my leaves for Your light

From feeling like a wilted flower
You transform me slowly to a Beautiful Rose

Your Beauty has no limits
Your Benevolence is always in abundance
Without You there is no Life

Photo, poem, Anders Branderud, October 2015

Poem, I will guide you

The Mystery of Life
Sometimes it tells you to go
Sometimes it tells you to slow down
Immerse yourself in the Flow
Be still
I will guide you

25 October, poem and photo, Anders Branderud

Poem -Timeless Whisper of the Heart

Poem -Timeless whisper of the Heart

Pretty winter landscapes dressed with thick and fluffy white snow flakes
Turns into blooming Life
Fragrance of all sprouting Life filling the air
Surrounded by Playful Hearts sharing the spring delight
Turns into sunny summer days with glitterings and light reflexions in the silent river streams
Turns into landscapes dressed with a magnificent and colorful beauty
And Spontaneous, Innocent Beings jumping and rolling around in piles of leaves

Love and Intimacy of Heart expresses Her Love of all Creation
Expressing Herself in an Infinite Multitude of forms
Openly and without discrimination she pours Her Love out to everyone and everything

Her Joy is Pouring out
Bubbling over
She carries Love-filled soap bubbles
Expanding and sharing the Love with All
Following the Guidance of the soft and silent Breeze
There for anyone that attunes Her Heart to Her Soft Timeless Whsiper

Poem by Anders Branderud, 25 october, 2015

Photo and poem, Anders Branderud

Poem - My heart is burning

I feel so connected
I feel so Alive
My Heart is burning
With a deep Yearning
For union and for intimacy
For shared sensitivity
Hearts deeply attuned
Sharing the Mystery and Beauty of Life
Deep, Deep Embrace
Intimacy closer than my breath
A Longing so deep, so deep

The Ocean is Bottomless
Crying for Uniting with Herself

An intense burning in my Heart
My chest wants to rest
In the Arms of my Beloved

My lips wants to kiss
A union so deep
Heart meets Heart
And rejoices in the Presence of Her beloved
My eyes wants to drown in the Infinite Depth of Her Being

This is not a fairy tale
It is the Soul's yearning to be One
One with God
One with Her Beloved
One with Life
One with All

This Love is a doorway to the Infinite
Deep rest
On the Chest
In the Arms of my Beloved

Her heart was burning
My heart resonated at the same frequency
It bursted out in a wild fire
Celebrating the Meeting
The Sacred Timeless Moment
Of Two Souls Looking Deeply into each other's eyes

In the Heat of this fire all borders melt away
All hard defenses burn up on this Altar of Love

There is a song in my Heart
It sings: I long, I long
I am longing for Real Intimacy
A Meeting so deep
It requires a leap
Into the Infinite Mystery of the Unknown
Into the Infinite Arms of the Beloved

Poem and photo, Anders Branderud, 24 October 2016

Poem - Your Heart

Are you big enough to hold my longing
Are you big enough to hold my pain
Are you big enough to be with me in sunshine
To be with me in hurricanes and floods of rain

I can hold your deepest longing
I can hold your most excruciating pain
I can hold bottomless sadness
I am big enough to be with you through emotional thunderstorms
Big enough to hold you in midst of floods of tears
And I stay with you when your heart seems to be ripped apart into pieces

Stay and be with your emotions
Stay and be close to Me
I am your most intimate friend
I will never abandon you

Your intimate friend,
Your Heart

Poem (and photo) by Anders Branderud, 25/10-2015

Poem, What am I holding back

What am I holding back
What do I fear
What do I believe My Heart cannot bear
Am I afraid of dispair
Of being hurt
Being rejected by one my Heart holds dear

Can I bear this longing
Could I bear the pain
Can I bear the heartache
Can I dive into my feelings
To embrace Life just at it is

Are you big enough to hold the loss
Are you big enough to hold all sadness and tears

What do I lose by holding back
I forget to be Real
To express what I feel
To let my Inner Being be Heard
To Dance and Live with my fullest Expression

Just embrace all fear
And Dive into the Infinite Ocean

Feels like a tidal wave that can't be stopped
Just want to surrender to its flow
To surf on the waves
Bow down humbly to Her Magnificence
And let Her carry me into the Mystery of the Beloved
Let Her carry me until she gently kisses the shore
Gently embraces, caresses and strokes each grain of sand
Uniting in Deep Heartfelt Intimacy

/Anders Branderud, 26/10-2015 (If you like this, then you you may want to read my other poems as well: stillnesspoems.blogspot.com )

lördag 24 oktober 2015

Poem - Deep Secret of Tears

This beautiful sadness
This beautiful Heart
This Tender Heart
This Beautiful feeling of Tears
Being Kind to yourself
Everything is okay.

You can open up
It is Safe Here
You are Beloved
You can be Who you are

Gently stroking
Caressing this Sensitive Organ of Aliveness
Loving the sadness
It feels so Alive
The encompassing, kind Heart allows all sadness
I can be with your Tender Sensitivity

Photo, poetry, Anders Branderud, october 2015

Poem - Beautiful Heart

Poem - Beautiful Heart

You are so beautiful.
You are softening up.
Letting the many frozen layers melt away.
Like layers of snow and ice
Exposed to the Radiant Rays of the Shining Sun
Uncovering Your beautiful and vulnerable Heart

The intimacy with the Heart
Is like Sweet nectar pouring down
Filling and satiating the Soul

This is a poem i wrote a few days ago in England on a retreat. Recently coming home from Sweden after two wonderful weeks of retreat - one weekend with Diamond Approach (https://www.ridhwan.org/) in Germany and one with Jan Day ( http://www.janday.com/workshops.php?wkshopID=25 ) in England. So grateful to this weeks; and the ongoing experience of connecting more deeply with myself and others.

måndag 5 oktober 2015

Dikt, Detta mjuka hjärta

Poem (Can be translated to English on request)
Vaknar upp till detta mjuka hjärta.
Detta levande, vitala organ.
Hon är en feminin, sensibel lyssnare
Viskar känsligt till mig: Jag är din vän
Jag vill leda dig sakta på din väg
Låt dina ledord vara:
Still viskar hon till mig livets hemlighet.

Dikt, Nu är nattens timma

(Poem in Swedish; can be translated into English on request.)
Nu är nattens timma.
Det svarta mörkret täcker himlarna.
Stjärnorna ledsagar den vilsne.

Lekfullheten leker tafatt med solen.
Vinden rör sig fjäderlätt i skyarna.

Du som bär den älskades röst.
Du som sprider ljuva ord.
Bär ljuvliga dofter.
Bär solens strålar och sprider de åt jordens alla hörn.
Skänker tröstfulla smekningar till dem som saknar hopp.

Ger seglaren sin vind.
Smeker ömt en tårögd kind.
Gör oss medvetna om våra kroppar.
Skänker generöst syre till varje andetag.
Givmilt till alla utan undantag.
Vindens kärleksfulla tillit
Vittnar om skönhet i Nuets evighet
Viskar livets hemlighet i all sin ömsinhet
Den som vänder sina öron inåt kan se Livets ljus
mitt bland vardagens buller och brus.

/Anders Branderud ( stillnesspoems.blogspot.com )