All this fear in life of losing one who is dear.
Going up in my head
Anxiety and stress
And without being aware
Stuck in my head filled of mental fear
I lost Connection to the One Dearest to me.
My Heart
And by fearing I also lost connection to one who is dear
I lost the Heart Connection
When I am connected with my Heart
I am connected with Home
In My Heart there is no Distance
There is Always Connection
There is Always Pure Embracing Love
There is no loss and there is no fear
I feel Safety
When I am connected to Myself
To my Heart
To my Being
When my Heart is embracing Herself
Heart embraces my chest
I can be at deep rest
Heart embraces all of my body
Heart embraces me with Unconditional Love
This Heart-felt longing to connect
Feeling the intensive Longing and Heat of the Heart
Is Connecting with My Dearest
A Connection with my Heart
I am safe
When I am who I am
When I stay close to my Beloved Heart
A Real Heart Connection
Being the Real me
Connected with Pure Love
Immersed in Warmth, Love and Completeness
/Anders Branderud, 27/10-2015 ( )
Poem, photo, Anders Branderud, 27 October 2010