måndag 26 oktober 2015

Poem - My heart is burning

I feel so connected
I feel so Alive
My Heart is burning
With a deep Yearning
For union and for intimacy
For shared sensitivity
Hearts deeply attuned
Sharing the Mystery and Beauty of Life
Deep, Deep Embrace
Intimacy closer than my breath
A Longing so deep, so deep

The Ocean is Bottomless
Crying for Uniting with Herself

An intense burning in my Heart
My chest wants to rest
In the Arms of my Beloved

My lips wants to kiss
A union so deep
Heart meets Heart
And rejoices in the Presence of Her beloved
My eyes wants to drown in the Infinite Depth of Her Being

This is not a fairy tale
It is the Soul's yearning to be One
One with God
One with Her Beloved
One with Life
One with All

This Love is a doorway to the Infinite
Deep rest
On the Chest
In the Arms of my Beloved

Her heart was burning
My heart resonated at the same frequency
It bursted out in a wild fire
Celebrating the Meeting
The Sacred Timeless Moment
Of Two Souls Looking Deeply into each other's eyes

In the Heat of this fire all borders melt away
All hard defenses burn up on this Altar of Love

There is a song in my Heart
It sings: I long, I long
I am longing for Real Intimacy
A Meeting so deep
It requires a leap
Into the Infinite Mystery of the Unknown
Into the Infinite Arms of the Beloved

Poem and photo, Anders Branderud, 24 October 2016

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