söndag 3 april 2016

Love meditation, May our path be filled with loving light and blessings

May our path be filled with loving light and blessings
May we always be in deep love
Heart warm tender delicious love
May we surround our hearts and warm our hearts all the time
May we be filled with love
Be love
Love ourselves
In every moment
Even when other people don’t love us
Or when they don’t show their appreciation to us
Or when they are angry, or hurt, or sad, or any other emotions
May we just shine with our love, love and love
And feel the love inside

May we be so immersed in this love and this beauty that it really shines through us
Self-love – so strong and beautiful that she just radiates
Through all circumstances
In every moment, in every breath, in every hearbeat, in every circumstance
Shining radiating heart that beams this beautiful warmth
Shining warm fire that just shines and warms up our whole being
And radiates out through our eyes
Shining and warming up every one we are encountering
Filling them with love and light
And spreading the warm, divine, tender, beautiful fire

May our love be all deep
All embracing, the depths of our whole hearts
All these crevices that has been neglected
May the grace of Love shine through all these dark crevices
And fill them with dazzling shining love night
May she fill, embrace and expand in these dark, neglected crevices
Fill them with sweet love, sweet magnificent self-love
May we just bath and soak in
God Godddess sees every act of kindness
Celebrates every act of kindness even if the receiver doesn’t show appreciation
Many people are not so good at showing appreciation.

I love you kind
[Part 1 of 2]

Anders Branderud, 2016

Dikt, Jag ligger här i stillhet

Jag ligger här i stillhet
Jag hör vindens brus
Jag känner kärlekens ljuva omfamnande sus
Jag ligger och känner solens värme på min hud
En värme som går igenom mina kläder
Värmer mig
Omfamnar mig
Hon överöser mig kärlekens tindrande ljus

Jag ligger här i stillhet
Jag känner jorden under mig
Jag känner hennes pulserande hjärtslag
Jag känner hennes kärleksfulla andetag
Omgiven av ståtliga träd som står i sin storhet
Högt står de grundade i Moder jord
Och sträcker sina vingar mot himlen
Solen ger dem energi och värme
Och jorden ger dem näring att gro och frodas
Ger dem kärlek i överflöd
Kärlekens glöd pulserar genom deras kroppar

Jag ligger här
Känner mina andetag
Känner den ömma kärleken i mitt hjärta
Känner hennes ljuva närvaro
Jag hör fågelns kvittrande kärleksfulla visa
Hon sjunger till mig
Hon sjunger om en kärlek så djup
Så naturlig
Så hel
Jag ligger här hel i ljuvaste magi
Omfamnad av naturen ömhet och mysterium
Jag andas i takt med hennes ömma närvaro
Jag säger till henne: Tack för att jag får vara med dig
Tack för att jag får sjunga kärlekens lov tillsammans med dig
Tack för att du värmer mig och vittnar om en kärlek så oändlig
Så obegränsad
Så stor
Tack – sjunger jag ut i en kärleksfull stämma från min kropps innersta djup
Min djupaste hjärtdjup
med de ömmaste hjärttonerna
Mitt hjärta sjunger och spelar denna ljuva musik
Jag känner hur friden fyller mitt inre när jag lyssnar på mitt käraste hjärta
och hennes innerliga närhet med Moder jord och naturens innersta

Jag älskar dig innerligt min älskade Clare
Min fagra sköna blomsterficka
My pretty most beautiful sweet flowery girl

/Anders Branderud [2016, februari]

Poem, My love for you is endless

My love for you is endless
like the endless divine sky

My love for you is endless
like the endless divine sky

Yes my love for you is endless
like the endless ocean wide and deep

My love for you is endless
like the endless ocean breath

My love for you is endless
like the endless universe

My love for you is endless
like the endless open heart

My love for you is endless
like the endless fresh blue sky

Our True Love She is endless
like a heart so open and wide

Our True Love She is lasting
She is enduring
She is patient in Love
Deep Love

She is Loving
So deeply
And truly

Anders Branderud, 2016 [dedicated to my love Clare]

Poem, Deep peace and harmony

Deep peace to you
In our deep heart connection
In lieing next to you with my soul, heart and being
Tenderly I stroke your golden shining hair
I gaze into the deep mysteries of your eyes
I gaze and I see wonders and beauty
My heart is so touched to explore the depths together with you
To explore the depths of you
To explore the depths of nature
To journey together in this divine mystery of Life
To Love together
To be together
To celebrate and rejoice

Together with the couple of willow warblers that are chasing and playing with each other
Together with the dolphins that are making cute affectionate love sounds
Together in harmony with all of nature
A harmonious choir with all beings
We are all singing and dancing under the rainbow
Our heart sound merges into one eternal Om
And the angels are surrounding the rainbow playing on their harps
I see healing angels playing on their divine flutes
Their tones are carried by the soft breeze

and bring healing to all bruised hearts

Anders Branderud, 2016, 2 february [dedicated to my Love Clare ]