söndag 29 november 2015

Poem, Rain of Tears

Beloved Heart,
Can you hold me
Do you love me as I am
Can you hold my weaknesses
Can you bear my tears
This sensitivity opens up
And feel deeper
Beneath the storyline “I am rejected”
“I am not worthy”
Feeling the vulnerable sensitivity of
And Heart Open to the shifts of Life
Allowing tears that have been repressed in the past
To pour forth
And express their infinite wisdom
May the Sun shine Her beautiful countenance upon you
May Her wings give you shade and protection
May she guide your way
Home to the Heart
May her Radiant rays
Melt the layers of ice
You built in the past to protect your Precious Heart
Melt into Rivers of Life
Rain of tears slowly fades away
And the colorful rainbow appears in the horizon
Integrating the tears in her luminous beauty
May my Heart unfold Her true potential
To hold all Seasons of Life
/Anders Branderud, 29/11-2015 (stillnesspoems.blogspot.com )

lördag 28 november 2015

Poesi, Dansa livets dans med tillförsikt

Med glädjefyllda poetiska skutt
Vandrar jag långsamt på livets väg
Mina fötter bär mig
Känner jordens fasthet och grundande
Vandrar i tillförsikt
Om Livets nådhet och godhet

Solens ljuvliga strålar värmer mitt ansikte
Känner vindens kalla bris
Ömt smeka min kind
Njuter av Livet
Av ögonblicket
Av mitt andetag
Livets vatten porlar från hennes rika källa.

Det finns inga måsten och inga krav
Bara varande i Livets hav

Anders Branderud, November 2015

Det här är en fin artikel om val och om tillförsikt:

söndag 22 november 2015

Poem, Sun resting her gentle countenance

To my dear Heart,

And I sit here in gratitude
And I hear your soft whispers
In the sun resting her gentle countenance in
the white layers of frosty meadows
Reflecting the lightness of your love filled immersion
And I feel your Aliveness
In my burning Heart
And I sense your gentle touch
In the tall grass slowly dancing
To the rhythm of your quiet breath
And I hear your peacefully calling Inside
And I respond to your silent invitation

Softly, gently
Heart opening
I bow down to your wise wisdom
Your amazing graze
Your deep and endless embrace
Your loving and gentle graze
Your soft and tender Face

Speechless I stand in gratitude
In solitude I bow down to you
And thank you deeply for the
Precious gift you have given me
This precious gift of Life

I carry a Gift in my Heart
A gift to share and impart
A gift to love forward
And inward and upward
Delightful grace

/Anders Branderud, November 2015 (Poem and photo)

Poem, Mother's womb

In my Heart
I can be like a child
Lying in Her mother's womb
Heart protects me
She nourishes me

Another poem:
Listening to the Wind
Letting her take me where she wants to go
Being an attuned leaf
Listening to how Her breath moves me
Tuning in to how the blood pulsates through my veins

One more poem:
O du vackra vita duva
O du vackra vita svan
Du praktfulla skapelse
Levnadsglad seglar du fram
På skvalpande böljor
Vinden bär dig när du elegant
Sträcker dina vingar
Leder dig när du låter dig bäras utan motstånd

Anders Branderud,November 2015 (photo, poem)

Poem, Attune to my Heart

A raw Longing of Connection
Heart meeting Heart
Soul meeting Soul
Connecting deeply with the Whole
Loving, touching and tender Heart
Beats gently and softly
Heart feels Aliveness
So close, so close

My whole Being is Longing to be
So real, so real
With every cell
To Her inner Core
Express what I deeply feel
To be true
To be Authentic
To be Real
To always be True to Myself
To Listen and Attune to my Heart

Anders Branderud, November, 2015 (Poem and photo)

Poem, Like a tender crescent moon

In the deep and dark twilight night
With sparkling twinkling stars so bright
With shining moon full of longing
and stars dancing around
Celebrating the Beauty and Mystery of Life

You are like a beautiful rose
Like a tender crescent moon
Openly sharing your light with everyone

When I behold the moon's reflection in your eyes
I am overwhelmed by beauty surrounded by beauty

My Heart is singing a Song of
Depth, Yearning and Longing
Yearning to Meet
To be present with
To resonate with
To deeply connect with
For Two Hearts Uniting in Complete Intimacy
For Mystery and Magic of Life

Anders Branderud, 6 november (Poem and photo)

fredag 20 november 2015

Poem, Sing your own song

Sing your own song
Sing it with your own authentic voice
Dance your own expression
Dance freely without shame or guilt
Express your uniqueness
There is only you who are you
Give of Yourself
Celebrate and Live who You are
Don’t let your inner critic and outer critic stop you
From Your Inner Rose To Flourish and Flower
In all Her Magnificent Beauty and Power
Allow your Heart to be Wild
And your Journey to be full of
Adventure, Joy, Curiosity and Freedom
Embrace Yourself as You are
Be Kind to yourself with your strengths and flaws
With your raw vulnerabilities and Tender Heart
And you will see Magic
Unfold in your Heart and Being
And the Depth of your Heart will
Unfold and Express Her Own
Unique and Beautiful Dance
/Anders Branderud
And the teachings of the book Soul Without Shame: Soul without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within, is are very helpful for my heart’s unfoldment; and may resonate with you and help you on your journey.
I wish you love and freedom, Anders

tisdag 17 november 2015

Poetical reflections about intimate relationship, intimacy and loss

Poetical reflections about intimate relationship, intimacy and loss

I feel that in an intimate partnership relationship I would allow my partner
All freedom to express herself
To be The Beautiful Spirit she is
To grow in her Heart’s pace and space
To allow her Inner Rose to flourish in all her fragrances, colors and forms

To be with her expressions of her wildness, silence, grief and despair
Doubt, fear, anger, pain, Love, gratitude, separation and intimacy
To allow her richness, colors, forms, fragrances and depth of her Being to unfold
Provide a Loving and Accepting Space where she can Express her Wild Heart and roar
Where she in freedom can Dance her Heart’s unique dance
And join the moon, Sun and the stars
In their Luminous Free and Sparkling Dance

And if she would feel her calling to leave our Dance
And depart from our attuned, sacred and intimate Union
I would release her
And wish her well on her glorious and adventurous journey

And the Love and the connection
The fragrance, flavors, flowers and touch
The beauty, richness and intimacy
The Longing and Warmth of Heart would stay in my Heart

And maybe feelings of abandonment, rejection, grief and Loss would appear
Like children who wants to be sensed, felt, heard and hearted by my Heart
And I would embrace my Heart
And try to be with Her and embrace Her and Love her
And feel with Her and be so close to Her
And provide Her a Loving and Accepting Space
And gently Listen to her Pace
And tenderly Look into Her Gentle Gaze
Telling me Lovingly that Everything is Okay
I would hear her tender and warm whisper
That She is Vast as the Wide Ocean
And that the Universe is just a Refection
Of her Infinite Depth and Being
And that I never lost my Heart’s Beloved
Because in Heart there is no distance
In Heart there is no Loss
And Love changes colors and shapes, forms and fragrances
In all Her Infinite and Loving expressions
The Heart holds and Loves all the canvases, shapes and colors on the drawing of Life

I would feel the pain that was triggered from the losses of my Life that I had not been ready to be with until now
That my Heart protected me from in her Infinite Kindness and Love

And I would whisper to her:
I want to feel it now
I am ready to be with you in all your pain
I love you and I want to be with you – always
I want to be with you in Everything that you go through
I am not looking for a narcissistic love

I want to sacredly love you
Like the Holy Rose you are
Feel the beauty of You
Passionately feel you in all your fragrances
Lovingly be with not only Your softness and sensitivity
But also the thorns

And explore the Mystery and the Beauty
Dive into the mystery and find out that
They all are embraced by your Deep Love
And to rest in Your vastness
In midst of both Intensity and Silence

I would feel my Beloved Heart’s Loving
Her warmth stroking all my body
Firmly and gently holding me

Providing a soft and safe space for the weary, adventurous and daring journeyer 

/Anders Branderud, 2015-11-17

torsdag 12 november 2015

The Heart moves in her own pace

A poem from my heart (that was penned down this beautiful night while I was writing to a dear friend):
The Heart moves in her own pace
And opens up in her own space
And we listen and attune to her soft beat
and give her time and space to unfold
And as we learn to more deeply accept her 
And attune to her pace and her gentle beat
And love her with a deep embrace
Touching, caressing and kissing her gently

She opens up
She blossoms

And we feel her tender fragrance
We sense the presence of a beautiful rose
And her vulnerable love
And attune to her sensitive whisper

Photo, poem, Anders Branderud, 2015-11-13

söndag 8 november 2015

Poem - Meet You in the Ocean’s - In the Souls’ Depth

O, beautiful flowery woman
You are so beautiful
Your presence gives my heart happiness
You adorn reality in all her dazzling colors
You paint the celestial vaults in beauteous shades of loveliness
You shine from inside and out with your beautiful soul
You are immeasurably precious
Your heart’s vulnerability and tenderness
Your beautiful, gentle and open embrace
Your endless deep eyes that speak of your soul’s depth and her width

Your mouth tells about your playfulness and sensuality
The corners of your mouth tells about your spontaneous happiness
Your hands tells about your gentleness
When you touch me I feel your sensitivity and kindness
My body and my heart is vibrating in pace with yours
And our heart’s tones are playing a heavenly song in consonance
Your inner treasure is so rich
Your flowering and welcoming heart deeply touches my heart

My heart wants to unite and be one with your heart
A longing so palpable and deep
To be so close
To unite in a deep love

I am standing on the sand shore
And gazing out towards the horizon of the ocean
And I am breathing out my longing into the ocean breeze’s peaceful breath
My longing travels along waves and storm
And is embraced by the Ocean’s Depth

Here Souls’ Longing meet Each Other and unites in the Soul’s Depth
Here Hearts meet each other
Here borders and conflicts are erased
Hearts unite in Unity
In the Meeting of the Heart’s there is No Distance
Only Deep and Limitless Love
My Heart speaks out

I meet You in the Ocean’s - In the Souls’ Depth

På svenska:

O du vackra blomsterflicka

Du är så fin
Din närhet skänker mitt hjärta lycka
Du smyckar verkligheten i all dess bländande färger
Du målar himlavalven i fagra nyanser av skönhet
Du lyser inifrån och ut med din vackra själ
Du är oändligt dyrbar
Ditt hjärtas sårbarhet och ömhet
Din varma, varsamma, öppna famn
Dina oändligt djupa ögon - som vittnar om din själs vidd och djup
Din mun som vittnar om din lekfullhet och sensualitet
Dina mungipor som vittnar om din spontanta glädje
Dina händer som berättar om din varsamhet
När du berör mig får jag känna din känslighet och omtänksamhet
Min kropp och mitt hjärta vibrerar i takt med ditt
Och våra hjärtans toner spelar en ljuvlig sång i samklang
Din inre skatt är så rik
Ditt blomstrande och välkomnande hjärta.

Mitt hjärta vill förena sig och vara ett med ditt hjärta
En längtan så påtaglig och djupt
Att vara så nära
Att förenas i en djup kärlek

Jag står på sandstranden
Och blickar ut mot oceanens horisont
Och andas ut min längtan i oceanbrisens fridfulla pustningar
Min längtan färdas längs vågor och storm
Och omfamnas av Oceanens Djup

Där Själars längtan möter varandra och förenas i Själens Djup
Där hjärtan möter varandra
Där gränser och konflikter suddas ut
Hjärtan förenas i Enhet
För i Hjärtans möte finns inga avstånd
Endast djup och gränsläs kärlek
Min längtan talar ut
Möter dig i Oceanens - I Själarnas Djup

måndag 2 november 2015

Poem -Celebration of Life

Celebration of Life
And suddenly there is Beauty all around me.
Beautiful faces shining brightly
Beautiful children spontaneously playing and dancing around
Beauty in the ordinary
Beauty in the extraordinary
My Heart singing and dancing Her Song
Opening up to All Beauty in this world
Fully, lightly, spontaneously expressing Herself
Sharing light and joy around her freely
Being a Gift
Sharing, Caring, Embracing, Filling
Giving, receiving
Freely, generously, fully
No limits
Expanding and rejoicing
Being satisfied over the fullness she experiences
In this very, precious Moment
Grateful to all tenderness, love and warmth she experiences
Flowing over of gratitude
Flowering and flourishing
Being intoxicated by a Divine Love of Life
Dancing along, swinging around in a Heartfelt Celebration of Life
Anders Branderud, 3/11-2015