Beloved Heart,
Can you hold me
Do you love me as I am
Can you hold my weaknesses
Can you bear my tears
This sensitivity opens up
And feel deeper
Beneath the storyline “I am rejected”
“I am not worthy”
Feeling the vulnerable sensitivity of
And Heart Open to the shifts of Life
Can you hold me
Do you love me as I am
Can you hold my weaknesses
Can you bear my tears
This sensitivity opens up
And feel deeper
Beneath the storyline “I am rejected”
“I am not worthy”
Feeling the vulnerable sensitivity of
And Heart Open to the shifts of Life
Allowing tears that have been repressed in the past
To pour forth
And express their infinite wisdom
To pour forth
And express their infinite wisdom
May the Sun shine Her beautiful countenance upon you
May Her wings give you shade and protection
May she guide your way
Home to the Heart
May her Radiant rays
Melt the layers of ice
You built in the past to protect your Precious Heart
Melt into Rivers of Life
May Her wings give you shade and protection
May she guide your way
Home to the Heart
May her Radiant rays
Melt the layers of ice
You built in the past to protect your Precious Heart
Melt into Rivers of Life
Rain of tears slowly fades away
And the colorful rainbow appears in the horizon
Integrating the tears in her luminous beauty
May my Heart unfold Her true potential
To hold all Seasons of Life
And the colorful rainbow appears in the horizon
Integrating the tears in her luminous beauty
May my Heart unfold Her true potential
To hold all Seasons of Life
/Anders Branderud, 29/11-2015 ( )