So touched
So touched
So touched
These meetings
This deep-inter-connectedness
This authenticity
This beauty
Opening of heart
Love pouring out
This love to life
Resistance is breaking
as a no to life turns into a yes to life
an obstacle turns into a challenge
darkness turns into light
fear of dancing turns into the joy of spontaneous dancing
fears turns into taking the opportunities to be courageous
insecurity turns into the opportunity to be real
bad self-esteem turns into a wonderful and embracing meeting
ego-structures turns into opportunities to be vulnerable and real
to just let go of this mask of pretending
Negative feelings are accepted
this daring of accepting flaws, of seeing the ego
to listen to what others see, and to dare to
confront it in oneself
Life is lived fully
To patiently observe these structures that have been controlling ones whole life
Limiting life to a robotic, monotonic, false-sounding song
and allow it to be transformed into a harmonious, beautiful symphony
To allow the Master-Conductor to guide this
Waking up with a yes instead of a no
Daring to feel the no
The sun shines through all the clouds
Warms up the heart
The heart wakes up
It starts to pulsate and vibrate
And erupts into a spontaneous dance.
Open meetings
Letting the heart all wide-open
All open, all vulnerable
to lifes grinding
Grinding the layers that clogged the vehicles
That are providing the heart with ever pulsating life
These identities that stopped life from flowing.
This no to existence, no to reality, no to life
this escape from reality into pseudo--reality
Hiding behind a facade, a mask,
Playing a role instead of living life fully
All these demands that had been experienced
All pressures, all the stress, all negativity,
This feeling of that life is tough
They are all fading away
And when the feeling comes up
It can be embraced
Like the beloved child that ran away from home
Here everyone is welcome
Here everyone can be free
To participate in this spontaneous dance
Embracing and facing reality
This escaping and fear of hell turned out to be hell
And this accepting fear and life as it is,
To embrace life instead of fearing and reject life, turned out to be heaven