söndag 16 november 2014

Poem, Searching and Finding

Beautiful beauty
Wondrous wonder
Playful play
Flowful flow
Still silence

Gratitude to life
All this searching
In religion
Travelling all over the world
Israel, Taiwan, USA
Looking for wholeness, truth, God
Love relationships
Broken heart
Broken hope
Failure after failure
Longing for heaven in midst of all pressures, unfulfilment and stress

Moments of Stillness
Moment of Connecting
Moments of Reality, of Deep Meetings
Yet to be followed by more searching and confusion.

Existence leading me out of this mess
Showing that my way is not the Real way.
Gently breaking all my hopes
Showing that the God I worshiped was just the product
of human facades and ego
A replacement for facing the real Existence/Reality
The God that isn't divided, but One with All.
That the relations I was in were a selfish love-affair
of two strong egos manipulating to get their will
Mixed with occasional short authentic true Meetings

Allowing Existence to lead my Path
Searching, searching, searching
Giving up the search.
Finding, finding, finding
This deep stillness was Always Here
Hiding behind the ego

Hiding in fully Embracing the Present Moment.
More poems:  http://stillnesspoems.blogspot.com

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