söndag 16 november 2014

Poem, jealousy

Two persons are kissing
This feeling of 'being in love' to one of one persons.
This attachment that has some grip.

But is this really Reality.
Who are kissing?
Who is jealous?
Who is in love?

Back to the Moment
What is going on here.
Listening to my heartbeat
Hearing kissing
Another kiss
Feeling peace
Feeling stillness
Perhaps some jealousy.
Sound of a touching breath

Feeling the in-breath
Feeling the out-breath
Hearing a content sigh
Intimate depth
A deep, heartfelt talk
A thought arises that I want to experience the same
Another thought arises: Acccept the Moment as it is
Embrace the Moment.
Take what Life gives you.
This Stillness is perfect
So Content of what Life has to offer
This Wonderful never-ending flow
Just embrace it fully
In its vividness, in its Aliveness, in its Wonder

Thankful for all that Life gives
How it guides itself, sets up situations to expose rusty, old structures
Gives the opportunity to return to stillness

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