söndag 16 november 2014

Poem, Longing of meeting and connecting

Feelings of jealousy
Feelings of being envious
Feelings of missed opportunities
Attachments and fears
This longing to meet.
Yet this thing, this fear, this insecurity, that I let block the meeting.
Getting stuck in some facade.
So in some way this longing to meet gets in the way of a True Meeting.
This attachment is in the way of a real flow.

This deeply felt longing of Meeting, of Connecting with a certain person..
Is it just a facade? Just based on attachments?

Lets meet
Lets get back.
There is only, always, only, the Now.
The Now is Now.
Lets live in the Now instead of dream world that doesn't exist.
Lets connect deeply.
Stop pretending
Just Live
And live it fully.. So fully you forget about time, attachments and problems.
Just let it embrace you fully.

Hearticulate your feelings.
Dear Heart- speak up
Open up to the rivers of existence
To this Never Ending flow of letting go of attachments, fears, hopes and desires.
Just Flow and Be from This Place of Deep Acceptance
Happy in the Now in the midst of the deep, stormy, frightening ocean.
Flow beloved heart, flow
Embrace your low, and you will flow.

Sometimes it is like you have this big endless reservoirs full of living, flowing water
But your attachments is blocking this flow from coming out.
This fresh, Infinite, Endless Source just holding it back.
From Expressing Your Unique Tone
Your Unique Flow of Creativity
Your Unique Unconditional Love-expression
This block hinders the meeting.
So you get a rigid meeting instead of a deeply, refreshing and flowing meeting.
Your insecurity is blocking This True Expression.
And yet some refreshing drops of the Flow may go through the block and refresh the Meeting.

Just flow. Just express your insecurity.
Being and expressing what you feel
Embracing it..Loving it.
And in this Place of Acceptance
Let your insecurity transform into Peace
Let your despair transform into Happiness.
Let your problems dissolve into the Wonder of Being.
Live and Let go.
Embrace the Never-ending and ever-flowing Flow

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